Texas lawmakers impeach Republican attorney general for corruption.

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Headline: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Impeached for Corruption, Faces Potential Removal from Office

The Impeachment Vote: Overwhelming Support for Removal

After a lengthy debate, lawmakers voted in favor of impeaching Attorney General Ken Paxton, with 121 votes in favor, 23 against, and two abstentions. Legislators, including Republican Andrew Murr, emphasized the substantial and alarming evidence against Paxton. Despite the overwhelming vote against him, Paxton refused to back down, taking to Twitter to denounce the decision as illegal, unethical, and profoundly unjust. Former President Donald Trump, using his Truth Social platform, criticized those who supported the impeachment as “radical left Democrats” and “RINOs.”

The Charges: Corruption, Misuse of Public Funds, and Obstruction of Justice

The 20 articles of impeachment brought against Paxton included charges of corruption, misuse of public funds, unfitness for office, and obstruction of justice. The indictment alleged that Paxton used his position to pressure his staff into protecting a friend and donor from prosecution. In return, the donor provided employment to a woman with whom Paxton had an extramarital affair and funded renovations to his house.

The Path Forward: Senate Trial and Potential Removal

While the exact timeline remains uncertain, the Republican-led Senate will determine when Paxton will face trial. A two-thirds vote in the Senate is necessary for his permanent removal from office. However, Paxton’s support among Republicans has waned in recent days, including from Governor Greg Abbott, who chose not to endorse the attorney general leading up to the vote. Abbott, also a Trump supporter, will now need to appoint a temporary replacement for Paxton.

Paxton’s Controversial History and Fallout

Elected as Texas Attorney General in 2014, Paxton has faced legal challenges throughout his tenure. He was indicted for financial fraud in 2015, and his trial is still pending. Despite these legal issues, Paxton won reelection in 2018 and again in 2022. In 2020, former members of his team accused him of abusing his power and were subsequently fired, leading to a wrongful dismissal claim. Earlier this year, Paxton reached a settlement to end the lawsuits for $3.3 million, sparking a congressional committee investigation that ultimately resulted in the impeachment vote. Paxton’s impeachment makes him only the third sitting official in Texas history to face this consequence and the first since 1975.

SOURCE: text wires

Images: google images

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