Sudan: Escalating Violence Indicates Absence of Peace.

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Sudan’s Violent Power Struggle Threatens Humanitarian Catastrophe

Escalating Violence and Humanitarian Crisis

For the past month, Sudan has been engulfed in a bitter battle for power between opposing generals, with devastating consequences for the Sudanese population. The ongoing conflict, fueled by resistance to military rule and demands for a transition to democracy, has claimed hundreds of lives and left thousands injured. Experts believe the actual casualty count is much higher and fear that an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe looms on the horizon.

Impending Hunger Crisis

According to the United Nations World Food Programme, an estimated 19 million people, equivalent to 41% of Sudan’s population, could soon face severe hunger if the conflict persists. The situation is dire, with limited access to running water, skyrocketing food prices, and cash shortages caused by the closure of banks for 46 days. People struggle to meet their basic needs and face the constant threat of violence when venturing out for essentials.

Displacement and Chaos

Looting and the occupation of homes by armed groups have forced many Sudanese citizens to flee their residences. Mobile phone networks are down, power outages are frequent, and attacks on electricity plants have exacerbated the chaos. Local reports are scarce, making it challenging for organizations to assess the extent of the crisis. The International Organization for Migration estimates that over 700,000 people have been displaced within Sudan, with approximately 150,000 registered as refugees in neighboring countries.

Roots of Conflict and Regional Concerns

The conflict in Sudan involves the Sudanese army led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and General Mohammed Hamdan Daglo’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces militia. The RSF, originating from the infamous Janjaweed militia accused of ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region, is engaged in a power struggle with the military. As the violence continues unabated, the humanitarian situation worsens. Concerns are growing that the conflict could spill over into neighboring countries with fragile political situations and struggling economies.

Urgent Call for International Action

Efforts to alleviate the crisis and provide humanitarian aid face numerous challenges, including the scarcity of cash in the country. Aid organizations must prioritize fuel, food, and salaries due to limited resources. Achieving a lasting ceasefire remains elusive, and there is a need for a strong international message to protect civilian lives and infrastructure. With neighboring countries already vulnerable to shocks and their own internal challenges, urgent attention and assistance are crucial to prevent further deterioration of the situation in Sudan.

Appeal for Global Solidarity

Sudanese activists, such as Sadeia Alrasheed Ali Hamid, urge the international community to take immediate action and raise awareness about the dire conditions in Sudan. They emphasize the importance of recognizing the voice of Africa and Sudan, appealing for support and intervention to prevent further loss of life. As the world grapples with this alarming crisis, attention to Sudan’s plight is essential to avert a deepening humanitarian disaster.

Image: Google Images

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