Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Accused of Deliberately Misleading Parliament.

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Privileges Committee Accuses Boris Johnson of Misleading Parliament

A year-long investigation by the House of Commons Privileges Committee has concluded that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson intentionally deceived Parliament regarding lockdown-flouting parties, which undermined his credibility and contributed to his downfall. In a scathing report, the committee found Johnson’s actions and his response to be a blatant violation of the rules, warranting a 90-day suspension from Parliament. However, this recommendation is largely symbolic as Johnson angrily resigned as a lawmaker after being informed of the committee’s conclusions.

Johnson Denounces Committee’s Findings

Johnson, 58, vehemently criticized the Privileges Committee, calling it a “kangaroo court” and accusing it of conducting a “witch hunt” to force him out of Parliament. Despite the majority of the panel members belonging to Johnson’s Conservative Party, he dismissed their findings and described them as “rubbish” and “lies.” Johnson maintained that he did not deliberately mislead the House and disputed the committee’s conclusions.

“Partygate” Scandal and Parliament’s Response

The report is the latest development in the ongoing “partygate” scandal, which emerged when it was revealed that Johnson’s staff held multiple gatherings in violation of pandemic restrictions. The House of Commons will now debate the committee’s report and determine whether it agrees with the findings and recommended sanctions. The committee also recommended denying Johnson a former Member’s pass for access to Parliament’s grounds.

Johnson’s Resignation and Controversial Statement

In response to the committee’s advance notice of sanctions, Johnson resigned as a lawmaker. He criticized the committee’s investigation as “anti-democratic” and expressed his frustration with the findings. The committee had intended to recommend a 90-day suspension for repeated contempts and attempts to undermine the parliamentary process if Johnson had not resigned.

Impact of Johnson’s Resignation and Upcoming By-Election

Johnson’s resignation has triggered a by-election in his suburban London seat, which is now a prime target for the opposition Labour Party. The departure of two other Conservative MPs in recent days adds further political uncertainty. The fallout from the “partygate” scandal continues to reverberate in British politics, shaping the landscape ahead of the by-election and raising questions about integrity and accountability within the government.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Sky News

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