Bold Chinese vessels frustrate Taiwan’s fishing communities

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In recent years, Chinese fishing vessels have been a constant source of frustration for Taiwan’s fishing communities. These vessels, which are often operated by government-affiliated companies or protected by the Chinese navy, have been encroaching on Taiwan’s maritime territory, disrupting local fishing activities, and sometimes engaging in illegal activities. This has had a significant impact on Taiwan’s fishing industry, which accounts for a large portion of the island’s economy.

Many of the Chinese vessels operate in the waters surrounding Taiwan’s Penghu Islands, which are known for their rich fishing grounds. Local fishermen report that the Chinese vessels often use illegal fishing methods, such as bottom trawling, which damage the marine environment and deplete fish stocks. In some cases, Chinese vessels have been known to chase away Taiwanese fishing boats and intimidate their crews, making it difficult for local fishermen to earn a living.

In recent years, Chinese fishing vessels have been a constant source of frustration for Taiwan’s fishing communities. These vessels, which are often operated by government-affiliated companies or protected by the Chinese navy, have been encroaching on Taiwan’s maritime territory, disrupting local fishing activities, and sometimes engaging in illegal activities. This has had a significant impact on Taiwan’s fishing industry, which accounts for a large portion of the island’s economy.

Many of the Chinese vessels operate in the waters surrounding Taiwan’s Penghu Islands, which are known for their rich fishing grounds. Local fishermen report that the Chinese vessels often use illegal fishing methods, such as bottom trawling, which damage the marine environment and deplete fish stocks. In some cases, Chinese vessels have been known to chase away Taiwanese fishing boats and intimidate their crews, making it difficult for local fishermen to earn a living.

Wang Chia-wen, a fisherman from Taiwan, faces constant challenges due to the presence of Chinese vessels in the waters he fishes every day. The fish stocks in the Matsu archipelago, a group of small islands near mainland China, are essential to the livelihoods of the island’s inhabitants.

However, the Chinese fishing crews’ presence is causing significant damage to these stocks. Despite being an unofficial boundary in the Taiwan Strait, the median line is not respected by the invading Chinese vessels, leaving the island authorities with limited resources and the locals feeling powerless against this hostile competition that Beijing does not acknowledge.

The Taiwanese government has taken steps to address the issue, including increasing patrols and imposing fines on illegal fishing vessels. However, the problem persists, and many in Taiwan’s fishing communities feel that more needs to be done. With tensions between China and Taiwan continuing to escalate, it is uncertain whether the situation will improve anytime soon.

SOURCE:Ref: france24

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