Bluesky: A New Hope for Marginalized Communities Leaving Twitter

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Twitter users who identify as black, queer, or transgender have expressed frustration that the platform has become inhospitable to marginalized communities. These organizations have been searching for alternative platforms and are now utilizing Bluesky, an invite-only application that is still in beta testing. The platform has approximately 50,000 users and has been designed to limit the risk of malicious actors by restricting sign-ups to a select group of reputable participants. Those from marginalized communities who have already joined the platform are cautiously optimistic that their early contributions will contribute to the creation of a tolerant environment as the app expands.

Black tech professionals were among the first to migrate to Bluesky. Aveta, an active user, was the driving force behind their decision to join the platform. She obtained invitation codes and went out to recruit as many people as possible. Her primary objective was to recruit members of the Black tech community to Bluesky. She prioritized this group because it possessed both social appeal and technical expertise. The platform felt very familiar to Aveta, and the team’s support for community builders gave her hope.

Even though the Bluesky platform is invitation-only, it has already rated highly in download charts around the world. Aveta has nicknamed herself “unofficial sky mama” due to the number of invitations she has distributed. She estimates that she has distributed close to a thousand invitations, with an emphasis on inviting people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and people with disabilities. The success of the platform is viewed as a glimmer of hope for marginalized communities seeking more inclusive social media platforms free of harassment and hate speech.

One of the individuals invited to join the platform was Valerie Phoenix, founder of Tech by Choice, a nonprofit organization that assists marginalized communities in entering and remaining in the tech industry. She explains that the platform gives underrepresented developers the chance to build for a new platform, which is a significant opportunity. The Bluesky platform is viewed as an alternative to Twitter, which has become an obligatory component of her social media presence, where announcements and news are posted, but where genuine social interaction is not always possible.

Source: ©Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images ; NBCNews

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Yustika Kusuma Putri, she is social media marketer from Indonesia. I currently work as a Media Manager in Technologie Omicrom Sendas inc.
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