Apple Commits to Use 100% Recycled Cobalt Batteries by 2025

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Apple has set a new goal to use 100% recycled cobalt in all of its battery designs by 2025. By the same year, all Apple-designed printed circuit boards will use 100% recycled tin soldering and gold gilding, and magnets will employ 100% recycled rare earth elements. Over two-thirds of all aluminium, nearly three-quarters of all rare earths, and more than 95% of all tungsten in Apple products are now sourced from 100% recycled material. The company’s aim is to use only recycled and renewable materials in all of its products, achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 for all of its products.

Daisy, Apple’s pioneering disassembly robot, is one of many innovations that have advanced the company’s mission. Design qualification, product engineering, and supply chain expertise have all contributed significantly to the company’s progress towards its aim of utilising only recycled and renewable materials in its products. In 2022, Apple increased its use of essential recycled metals, increasing the proportion of recycled cobalt in its products to 25% from 13% the previous year.

Tim Cook, the chief executive officer of Apple, states that the company’s environmental efforts are fundamental to everything they do and who they are. The company believes that superior technology should be beneficial for both consumers and the environment. Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, added that the company’s aim to achieve carbon-neutral products by 2030 is in tandem with its ambition to use 100% recycled and renewable materials in its products. The organisation is urgently pursuing both objectives and furthering innovation throughout the entire industry.

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Yustika Kusuma Putri, she is social media marketer from Indonesia. I currently work as a Media Manager in Technologie Omicrom Sendas inc.
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