Urgent Action Required to Address Extreme Weather in Antarctica.

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A recent report issues a warning about the need for swift action to address the escalating extreme weather conditions in Antarctica. Despite being one of the most remote and desolate regions on Earth, even Antarctica is experiencing the shattering of temperature records.

The southernmost continent is not immune to the impacts of human-induced climate change, as highlighted in a new paper published in Frontiers in Environmental Science. Lead author Martin Siegert, a glaciologist and professor of geosciences at the University of Exeter, emphasizes that Antarctica witnessed “the world’s largest ever heatwave in terms of deviation from the normal temperature” last year.

The paper provides a comprehensive understanding of a region that has demonstrated peculiar climate change characteristics. Antarctica’s western end, particularly the peninsula, is witnessing alarming ice sheet melting, contributing to potential substantial sea level rises over the coming centuries. On the contrary, the eastern side of the continent has experienced periods of ice gain.

The report unveils the complex interconnectedness of changes between the ice, ocean, and atmosphere. It addresses a wide range of topics, including atmospheric patterns, sea ice, land ice, ice shelves, and marine and land biology. The study concludes that climate change extremes are exacerbating in Antarctica, a region once thought to be somewhat insulated from global warming. The authors assert that Antarctica is now subject to climate change’s unpredictability, leading to sporadic extreme events.

Anna Hogg, a co-author and professor at the University of Leeds, underscores the intricate connections between the ice, ocean, and air, emphasizing that once significant changes occur, reversing them becomes challenging.

Human-caused climate change is linked to the reduction in sea ice. The study’s team explored various factors, including heatwaves, sea ice loss, ice shelf collapses, and impacts on biodiversity. Hogg notes that sea ice has reached an all-time low, particularly concerning because the July average for sea ice extent fell below the previous low recorded in 2022. Additionally, massive ice shelves are threatened as they melt and ultimately collapse.

The consequences of extreme weather in Antarctica are extensive. Ice shelves and sea ice serve as crucial barriers, restraining glaciers from rushing into the ocean. The disappearance of these ice formations accelerates warming, similar to replacing a white T-shirt with a black one on a scorching summer day, leading to increased heat absorption by the Earth.

Experts emphasize that extreme events are becoming more frequent, especially when coupled with the overarching trend of global warming. This situation necessitates both greenhouse gas emission reduction and adaptation strategies to tackle rising sea levels and extreme weather events worldwide.

Climate scientists urge proactive measures to address these challenges, as swift action is essential to mitigate the escalating impacts of climate change.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Impakter

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