Unarmed Woman Shot and Wounded by French Counter-Terrorism Police

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French counter-terrorism police have shot and wounded an unarmed woman in a full veil after she threatened train passengers in southern Paris. The woman reportedly refused to comply with police orders and was heard shouting “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is greatest.” Officers opened fire eight times when they feared for their safety. The woman is said to be critical but stable after being shot in the abdomen.

Possible Mental Health Issues

The woman may be a 38-year-old who, in 2021, threatened security forces protecting sensitive sites in France from terror attacks. She was interned on mental health grounds after the incident. Two investigations have been launched by the authorities. One is regarding the woman’s actions, and the other to determine whether the use of a firearm by police was justified.

Heightened Tension in France

The incident comes amid heightened tension in France linked to the Israel-Hamas war. Earlier this month, a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured at a school in northern France by an attacker who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar.” In the wake of the incident, France raised its counter-terrorism security alert to its highest level.

Police Body Cams

The officers who shot the woman were wearing body cams, according to government spokesman Olivier Véran. This will be important in determining whether the use of a firearm by the police was justified.

Concerns Over Police Use of Force

The incident has raised concerns over police use of force, particularly against unarmed individuals. While it is important for police to protect themselves and others, there are questions about whether eight shots were necessary to subdue an unarmed woman. The investigations launched by the authorities will shed more light on the incident and the actions of the police.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Times Of Isreal

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