Ukraine’s Fight Against Corruption in Pursuit of EU and NATO Membership.

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Ukraine’s Quest for EU and NATO Membership

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and its formal application to join the European Union, Kyiv has been striving to gain EU and NATO membership. Achieving this goal is challenging, especially with an ongoing war and the need to address corruption in the country.

Corruption – A Key Membership Requirement

To be eligible for EU and NATO membership, Kyiv must tackle corruption, which has long been a pressing issue in Ukraine. The country is currently one of the most corrupt in Europe, as indicated by its low score on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.

Progress and Public Opinion

Despite the challenges, Ukraine has shown progress in combating corruption, moving up Transparency International’s corruption ranking. Years of turmoil, including mass movements against corruption, have shifted public opinion towards zero tolerance for corruption.

Recent Efforts to Tackle Corruption

After Russia’s invasion, Ukraine intensified its efforts to meet EU standards and clean up corruption. The country reinstated its anti-corruption scheme and appointed new heads for its anti-corruption institutions. High-profile corruption arrests have also been made.

Obstacles Ahead

While Ukraine has made strides, EU leaders have emphasized that the country still has a long way to go before becoming a member state. Meeting EU requirements is particularly difficult during wartime when the government faces other priorities.

Challenges in Joining NATO

Ukraine’s aspiration to join NATO also comes with challenges. The alliance has pledged military aid and assistance, but accession could take years due to the requirement of ending the Russian occupation of the country.

Dual Paths to Membership

Joining NATO and the EU could be mutually reinforcing for Ukraine. Efforts to tackle corruption and improve political stability may enhance the country’s security and defense, making it easier to meet both EU and NATO membership requirements.

As Ukraine continues its battle against corruption and seeks EU and NATO membership, it remains committed to transforming its society and governance to fulfill the criteria set forth by these international organizations.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Financial Times

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