“Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s Prospects, EU Sanctions Lifted, and Russia’s Drone Assaults”

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Kim Jong Un’s Visit to Russia and Confidence in Putin’s Victory

During an extraordinary visit to Russia, North Korea’s leader expressed confidence in Russia’s triumph over its adversaries, with a focus on enhancing bilateral ties, particularly in the military realm.

Speculations Surrounding Putin’s Interest in North Korean Ammunition

Many speculate that Vladimir Putin is seeking North Korean ammunition to bolster his ongoing invasion of Ukraine, although no official announcement of such an arms deal has been made thus far.

North Korea’s Needs: Food and Russian Technology

North Korea is in dire need of food resources to address persistent shortages and is interested in acquiring Russian technology for the development of advanced weaponry.

Kim Jong Un’s Affirmation and Putin’s Response

Kim Jong Un affirmed his belief in Russia’s army and people achieving a significant victory in their righteous struggle against those seeking hegemony. He also commended the Russian army for its heroic efforts in Ukraine since February 2022.

In response, Putin toasted to the strengthening of cooperation with Pyongyang and hinted at the potential for closer military cooperation in the future.

Potential Impact of a Stronger Alliance on the Ukraine Conflict

Experts suggest that a stronger alliance between Pyongyang, Moscow, and Beijing could have a substantial impact on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Kim Jong-dae, a visiting scholar at the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies, opined that Russia may have already tested North Korean munitions on the battlefield and is considering expanding their use, cautioning about the ramifications of such arms sales between Russia and North Korea.

Russian Claims of Drone Destruction

Russia asserted that it had successfully neutralized Ukrainian drones in the Black Sea overnight, along with several others in the annexed Crimean peninsula and western Russia, without reporting any casualties from these attacks. Specifically, five Ukrainian drones targeting Moscow’s Black Sea ship Sergei Kotov were intercepted, and three additional Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were downed by Russian forces in undisclosed locations.

In Crimea, where Russia asserted control in 2014, Moscow’s air defenses eliminated 11 drones, also without disclosing any injuries or damages. Additionally, border regions in western Russia, including Bryansk and Belgorod, experienced drone attacks.

EU’s Sanctions Update on Russian Businessmen

The European Union has removed sanctions on three Russian oligarchs and one military official due to their involvement in the invasion of Ukraine. These sanctions had previously frozen assets and imposed travel restrictions on over 1,600 individuals and entities.

The individuals removed from the EU’s sanctions list are Grigory Berezkin, Farkhad Akhmedov, Alexander Shulgin, and the deceased Russian military official Georgy Shuvaev.

Grigory Berezkin, whose ESN group operates in the media and energy sectors, is considered close to Putin and has materially supported Moscow, according to the EU. Farkhad Akhmedov, a billionaire with ties to the Kremlin, is active in the energy sector. Alexander Shulgin, the head of the online trading platform Ozon, participated in a meeting of Russian oligarchs and Putin at the start of the invasion, aimed at garnering support from Russian businessmen for the war effort.

SOURCE: Ref Image from CNBC

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