The US claims that ‘Innovative’ Russian hackers are accessing CCTV cameras in Ukrainian cafes.

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On Tuesday, a US intelligence official stated that Russian hackers are actively monitoring CCTV cameras in Ukrainian cafes in order to obtain information about passing aid convoys. According to National Security Agency (NSA) Cyber security Division Director Rob Joyce, the state-supported hackers are attacking Ukrainian information systems to find out more about financial, state, individual, and business operations. The NSA official also noted that Russian hackers are creatively finding ways to connect to web cameras in order to observe convoys and trains. Additionally, they are focusing on US defense industries and logistics companies to learn more about arms shipments to Ukraine. In March, a report claimed that Russian hackers targeted European military, energy, and transportation organizations in an apparent spying campaign, which went undetected for months despite Western governments’ heightened defensive posture.

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