Poland and Hungary have prohibited the importation of grains from Ukraine as a measure to safeguard their own farmers.

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Poland and Hungary have recently announced a ban on imports of grains from Ukraine in order to protect their local farmers. The decision has come as a result of concerns regarding the quality and standards of Ukrainian grain exports. While Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of grains in the world, the ban has created significant tension between the three nations.

The ban on Ukrainian grain imports has been imposed in order to safeguard the interests of local farmers in Poland and Hungary. According to local sources, Ukrainian grain exports have been flooding the European market, which has led to a decline in prices for local produce. Both countries have argued that Ukrainian grain exports do not meet European Union standards and regulations, which puts the health of European citizens at risk. They have also raised concerns about the possible presence of pesticides and mycotoxins in Ukrainian grains.

The decision to impose the ban has created a rift between Poland, Hungary and Ukraine. While Ukrainian officials have criticized the move, claiming that the ban is unjustified and politically motivated, their Polish and Hungarian counterparts have stood by their decision. This latest move has highlighted the importance of trade relations between European countries and the need for a uniform regulatory framework to ensure the quality and safety of imported goods.


Ref.Efrem Lukatsky . 2023


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