Ongoing Relief Operations in Greece After Fatal Flooding

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Greek Authorities Launch Rescue Efforts Amidst Severe Flooding

Greek firefighters and the army are actively engaged in rescue operations to assist hundreds of residents trapped by severe flooding in Thessaly. The floods have resulted in the loss of ten lives, according to official reports.

Thousands Rescued as Flooding Takes Toll

Fire spokesman Yannis Artopios stated that more than 2,850 individuals have been rescued since the onset of the severe weather. The affected regions include Karditsa, Palamas, and Trikala. While there are no missing persons reported, some residents remain trapped in these areas.

Ongoing Emergency Response in Flooded Villages

In the village of Palamas, several houses remain submerged, requiring ongoing emergency response efforts to assist those trapped by rising waters. The situation near the town of Larissa, located a few kilometers to the east, is also a cause for concern.

Water Supply Challenges in Volos

In Volos, situated approximately 330 kilometers north of Athens, the water supply remains problematic due to the destruction of pumping stations and a significant portion of the supply network during the storm. The Greek Ministry of Health has issued recommendations to affected citizens, urging them not to drink the water in the region. Cases of gastroenteritis have already been reported, raising concerns over public health.

Severe Weather Phenomenon Follows Summer of Devastating Fires

Experts have described the recent weather event as an “extreme phenomenon” due to the unprecedented volume of rainfall within a 24-hour period. Storm Daniel initially struck the Magnesia region, affecting Volos, Mount Pelion villages, and later spreading to Karditsa and Trikala.

This severe weather event comes on the heels of a summer marked by devastating forest fires in Greece, which claimed the lives of at least 26 people. In neighboring Turkey and Bulgaria, torrential rains in recent days have resulted in a combined total of at least 12 fatalities.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Guardian

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