Kim Jong Un Assesses Satellite Images of US Bases in Hawaii and South Korea

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly examined satellite photos taken by the country’s newly launched spy satellite, Malligyong-1. The images covered significant locations, including a US naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and key sites across South Korea. This move comes as Pyongyang successfully placed the military spy satellite into orbit earlier this week. While North Korea asserts that the satellite is operational, Seoul remains cautious, stating it’s premature to confirm its functionality.

Satellite Unveils Crucial Military Intelligence

The launch of a functional reconnaissance satellite is anticipated to enhance North Korea’s intelligence-gathering capabilities, especially concerning South Korea. The satellite, if operational, could provide critical data in potential military conflicts. Pyongyang, within hours of the launch, claimed that Kim had viewed images of US military bases in Guam taken by Malligyong-1. The latest reports suggest Kim inspected photos as the satellite passed over Hawaii, including those of the Pearl Harbor naval base and the Hickam air-force base in Honolulu.

Focus on Key Targets and Strategic Areas

Kim Jong Un also reportedly examined images of South Korean port city Busan, showcasing the USS Carl Vinson, a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that arrived at the Busan Naval Base earlier in the week. The North claimed that the satellite also captured images of major target areas in South Korea, specifically mentioning Jinhae, Busan, Ulsan, Pohang, Daegu, and Gangneung. These areas are considered significant in the context of a potential military conflict.

Questions Surrounding Credibility and International Response

South Korean Defence Minister Shin Won-sik expressed skepticism, stating that spy satellites typically require time to commence normal reconnaissance missions. The credibility of North Korea’s claims is under scrutiny. The satellite launch has further strained relations between North and South Korea, leading to the suspension of a five-year-old military accord aimed at de-escalating tensions on the peninsula. International condemnation has also ensued, with South Korea, Japan, and the United States jointly denouncing the launch’s destabilizing impact on the region.

Alleged Russian Assistance and Future Implications

There are claims that North Korea received assistance from Russia for the satellite launch. Analysts suggest a technological overlap between space launch capabilities and ballistic missile development. While UN resolutions prohibit North Korea from ballistic technology tests, the successful satellite launch raises concerns. Experts speculate that with a spy satellite in its possession, North Korea may move towards further developing its strategic nuclear weapons using space launch capabilities. The international community closely monitors these developments, anticipating the potential geopolitical ramifications.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Hindu

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