Kenyan Televangelist Acquitted of Child-Trafficking Charges.

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Kenyan televangelist Gilbert Deya, known for claiming he created miraculous pregnancies, has been acquitted of child-trafficking charges due to insufficient evidence. A Kenyan magistrate stated that the prosecution failed to prove that Deya stole five children two decades ago and handed them to women struggling to conceive. Deya was extradited from the UK in 2017 following a lengthy legal battle.

Controversial Claims and Investigation

Concerns were initially raised about Deya’s conduct in 2004 when an investigation revealed that women attending his Gilbert Deya Ministries church in London were promised “miracle” babies despite the births taking place in backstreet clinics in Nairobi. The prosecution alleged that the babies were stolen from impoverished Kenyan families. Deya was arrested in Edinburgh in 2006 under an international arrest warrant issued by Kenya.

Insufficient Evidence and Acquittal

Magistrate Robison Ondieki, in his ruling, stated that the prosecution failed to establish circumstantial evidence against Deya. Outside the court, Deya expressed his forgiveness towards those who wished to see him imprisoned and mentioned the damage to his reputation. He expressed gratitude for his freedom and hinted at the possibility of returning to the UK. In 2011, Deya’s former wife, Mary Deya, was sentenced to jail for stealing a baby from a Nairobi hospital and falsely claiming to have given birth to the child.

Moving Forward with Mission

Despite the acquittal, Deya acknowledged the burden and damage caused by the accusations. He stated his commitment to continue his mission on earth, as directed by Jesus. With his legal troubles behind him, Deya expressed gratitude for his freedom and aimed to move forward from the ordeal.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Nairobi News

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