Israeli Retaliation: Strikes in Southern Lebanon

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In response to rocket attacks by Hezbollah on Saturday, Israel conducted airstrikes in southern Lebanon, targeting various sites including a terrorist squad, launch site, military buildings, and terrorist infrastructure. The Israeli Defence Force released footage showcasing the strikes on locations in Aita al-Sha’ab, Yaron, and Ramya. The strikes aimed to counter the threat posed by Hezbollah’s aggression.

Hezbollah’s Provocation: Rockets Launched at Northern Israel

Hezbollah, based in Lebanon, fired dozens of rockets at northern Israel on the same day, escalating tensions in the region. The attack was labeled as Hezbollah’s “initial response” to the suspected Israeli strike on a top Hamas leader in Beirut earlier in the week. The slain leader, Saleh Arouri, was the deputy political leader of Hamas. Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah pledged retaliation, emphasizing the need for a response to prevent Lebanon from becoming vulnerable to further Israeli attacks.

UN Humanitarian Chief Warns of Gaza’s Crisis

Amid the ongoing conflict, the United Nations humanitarian chief, Martin Griffiths, described Gaza as “uninhabitable” three months into the Israel-Hamas war. Griffiths highlighted the severe impact on Gaza’s 2.3 million residents, facing daily threats to their existence. He pointed to the grim conditions, including tens of thousands of casualties, displaced families sleeping in the open, and the destruction of areas designated for relocation. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza includes food insecurity, spreading infectious diseases, overwhelmed hospitals, and critical shortages of supplies.

Looming Famine in Gaza: UN’s Stark Warning

Griffiths sounded a stark warning about the impending famine in Gaza, emphasizing the unprecedented levels of food insecurity and the dire living conditions. He expressed the challenges faced by the humanitarian community, dealing with obstacles such as damaged infrastructure, communication blackouts, and attacks on aid convoys. UNICEF also highlighted a rise in diarrhoea cases among children under 5 in Gaza, indicating poor nutrition. The dire situation in Gaza, compounded by the ongoing conflict, poses an immense challenge for aid organizations attempting to provide essential assistance.

Humanitarian Aid Hindered: Challenges in Distribution

The delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza has been severely hampered by the ongoing conflict, with less than half the prewar level of aid trucks entering the territory. Griffiths emphasized the “impossible mission” faced by aid workers, dealing with the impact of the war on infrastructure, security concerns, and the scarcity of vital supplies. The challenges in distribution further exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, making it difficult to meet the urgent needs of the population in Gaza.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The National Herald

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