German Police Raid Climate Activists’ Homes: Investigation into ‘Last Generation’ Group.

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Police Raids Targeting Climate Activists

German police conducted raids across seven states, targeting climate activists belonging to the group “Letzte Generation” (Last Generation). The group has gained attention through protests involving activists glueing themselves to roads to block traffic. The raids were carried out as part of an investigation into suspicions of “forming or supporting a criminal organization.” Seven individuals aged 22 to 38 are being investigated, and 15 properties were searched. Authorities have seized two accounts and ordered an asset freeze.

Accusations and Fundraising Campaign

The suspects are accused of organizing a fundraising campaign on the group’s website to finance further criminal acts. Authorities revealed that approximately 1.4 million euros ($1.5 million) had been collected through the campaign, and these funds were allegedly used for committing additional criminal actions. Although the authorities did not specify the exact nature of the criminal actions, they stated that two of the suspects attempted to sabotage an oil pipeline considered a critical infrastructure in Bavaria.

Controversial Tactics and Reactions

Numerous climate activists from the “Letzte Generation” group have recently faced legal proceedings due to their traffic blockade actions. While most activists have received fines, some courts have started to impose jail sentences. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his coalition, as well as Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck of the Greens, have expressed frustration with the activists’ tactics. The street blockades have been met with angry motorists and clashes with authorities.

Activists’ Motivation and Other Climate Groups

The activists argue that their protests are crucial in the face of inadequate government and societal action to protect the environment and address global warming. They believe that they have a responsibility to prevent the irreversible collapse of the climate. Alongside the “Letzte Generation” group, Germany has witnessed the emergence of various other climate activist groups engaging in attention-grabbing protests in recent years. For example, the “Scientist Rebellion” group threw cake at Volkswagen bosses during the carmaker’s annual shareholders’ meeting, demanding a reduction in the company’s carbon footprint.

SOURCE: Ref – Text wires

Images – Google Images.

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