COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber Refutes Claims of Pursuing Fossil Fuel Deals

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Denial of Allegations on the Eve of Climate Summit

Sultan Al Jaber, the President of COP28 and CEO of the UAE’s oil giant ADNOC, has vehemently denied reports suggesting that he aimed to leverage his position to secure fossil fuel deals for the UAE. Addressing reporters ahead of the climate summit in Dubai, Al Jaber dismissed the allegations as false and an attempt to undermine the COP28 presidency. He questioned the necessity for the UAE or himself to rely on the COP or presidency to establish business deals or commercial relationships.

Leaked Documents Raise Concerns

Leaked documents, reported by the BBC and the Centre for Climate Reporting, revealed talking points prepared for Jaber’s COP28 meetings with foreign governments, indicating a push for joint business opportunities in fossil fuels. The briefing notes allegedly outlined ADNOC’s readiness to collaborate on oil and gas projects with countries such as China, Germany, and Egypt. Jaber, however, emphasized that he had never seen or used such talking points in his discussions.

Focus on COP28 Agenda

Jaber clarified that every meeting he conducted as the president of the climate talks centered around his COP28 agenda. He reiterated his commitment to addressing climate-related concerns and fostering meaningful discussions with governments and stakeholders. The allegations have reignited suspicions about a key figure in the global climate negotiations being associated with the oil industry, with critics pointing to potential conflicts of interest.

Responses from Climate Advocates

Prominent figures in climate advocacy, including former US vice president Al Gore and former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, expressed concern over the allegations. Gore stated that the revelations fulfilled some of the worst fears about Jaber’s role, while Figueres accused him of being caught “red-handed.” The controversy surrounding Jaber’s position has prompted discussions about the potential for conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in climate leadership.

Balancing Act for COP28 President

Despite the controversy, supporters argue that Jaber’s unique profile provides an opportunity to bridge gaps and facilitate compromises between opposing sides during the two-week climate talks. As the COP28 unfolds, the focus remains on addressing climate challenges and fostering collaboration to advance global efforts toward sustainability.

SOURCE: Ref Image from News18

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