Controversial Dutch Edition of Royal Book Temporarily Withdrawn Over Translation Error

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The Dutch version of Omid Scobie’s controversial book, “Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival,” has been pulled from sale by publishers Xander Uitgevers. The withdrawal is attributed to a translation error, and the book, titled “Eindstrijd” in Dutch, is currently under review for corrections. The error revolves around the description of the racism controversy stemming from Prince Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, where questions about their baby’s skin color were discussed.

Translation Error Implicates Royal Family Member in Racism Row

The Dutch edition, “Eindstrijd,” reportedly named a Royal Family member allegedly involved in asking questions about the baby’s skin color. In the English version, Scobie had mentioned two individuals without disclosing their names for legal reasons. The controversy prompted a rare response from Prince William, who emphasized that the family is not racist. Scobie clarified that the English version did not mention any names, and if there were translation errors in other languages, the publisher would correct them.

Criticism of the Royal Family Unfolds in “Endgame”

“Endgame” has faced criticism for its portrayal of the Royal Family, particularly King Charles III and Prince William. William is described as a “power-hungry heir to the throne,” and the book depicts the monarchy as an institution plagued by issues related to race, class, and money. Scobie suggests that younger generations are becoming increasingly unsympathetic to the monarchy. The book delves into the dynamics of the Royal Family, presenting a critical perspective on King Charles III and Prince William’s ambitions.

Scobie Denies Involvement in Translation Errors

Omid Scobie, the author, emphasized that he wrote the English version of the book and does not speak Dutch. He distanced himself from any translation errors, assuring that if there are inaccuracies, the publisher will rectify them. The controversial book, released recently, offers a critical examination of the Royal Family, portraying internal struggles and challenges within the monarchy.

Uncertainty Surrounds Future of the Book in Dutch Market

As the publishers work on correcting the translation error, the future of “Eindstrijd” in the Dutch market remains uncertain. The book has generated significant attention for its revelations and criticisms of the Royal Family, adding a new layer of complexity with the translation controversy.

SOURCE: Ref Image from iNews

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