Cocaine Found at White House, Secret Service Investigates.

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Cocaine Discovery: Brief Evacuation at White House

The US Secret Service is conducting an investigation following the discovery of cocaine at the White House on Sunday night. The suspicious powder was found in the West Wing, which includes the Oval Office and workspaces for presidential aides and staff, leading to a temporary evacuation. Secret Service agents found the substance during a routine inspection in an area accessible to tour groups.

President Biden Not Present: Incident Occurs During Camp David Visit

At the time of the incident, President Joe Biden and his family were at Camp David in Maryland. According to a senior law enforcement official, the substance was found in a storage facility commonly used by White House staff and guests to store mobile phones.

Precautionary Closure: Full Review Underway

As a precautionary measure, the White House complex was closed around 8:45 PM local time on Sunday upon the discovery of the substance. A preliminary test confirmed it to be cocaine. The Secret Service will conduct a comprehensive review to determine how the substance entered the White House. They plan to examine cameras and entrance logs to identify individuals who had access to the area where the cocaine was found.

Cocaine Classification: Controlled Substance with High Abuse Potential

Cocaine is classified as a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act, indicating its high potential for abuse, as defined by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. The presence of such a substance within the White House raises concerns and underscores the need for a thorough investigation.

The West Wing: A Key Area of the White House

The West Wing, a significant section of the White House, encompasses the president’s offices, including the iconic Oval Office and the Situation Room. It also accommodates the vice-president’s offices, the White House chief of staff, the press secretary, and numerous other staff members who have access to the area. The incident highlights the importance of maintaining strict security measures within this critical part of the White House complex.

SOURCE: Ref Image from getty images

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