British Nurse Found Guilty of Murdering Newborn Babies.

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Lucy Letby, a British nurse, has been found guilty of murdering seven newborn babies and attempting to murder six others in the neonatal unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital where she worked. This verdict makes her the most prolific child killer in the UK. The jury at Manchester Crown Court deliberated for 22 days before reaching their verdicts. Letby, 33, was accused of using methods such as injecting air, overfeeding with milk, and poisoning with insulin to harm her victims, who were either sick or premature infants.

A “Calculating” Betrayal of Trust

The prosecution described Letby as a “calculating” individual who employed methods that left minimal traces of her actions. She was entrusted with the care of vulnerable babies, but she betrayed that trust by repeatedly harming them in an environment that should have been safe. Senior Crown Prosecutor Pascale Jones expressed the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that Letby’s actions were a “complete betrayal of the trust placed in her.”

Evidence of Deceit

Colleagues raised concerns after noticing that Letby was on duty during each of the babies’ collapses, and some infants were attacked immediately after their parents left. Prosecutor Nick Johnson revealed that Letby “gaslighted” her colleagues into believing the deaths were merely a series of unfortunate events. Her final victims were two triplet boys, and she was also charged with attempting to kill the third triplet. The court heard that by that point, Letby was “completely out of control.”

An Unsettling Discovery

During a search of Letby’s home, police found hospital paperwork and a handwritten note in which she admitted, “I am evil, I did this.” Letby later tried to explain the note, claiming she wrote it after being removed from medical duties. Her defense suggested that senior doctors scapegoated her to mask the hospital’s failings. Letby maintained her innocence throughout the trial, expressing her devastation at being blamed for the deaths.

Revisiting Infamous Cases

This case evoked memories of notorious medical murderers in the UK, including doctor Harold Shipman and nurse Beverley Allitt. Shipman hanged himself in prison in 2004 after being convicted of killing 15 patients, and a later inquiry estimated he had killed around 250 patients with lethal morphine injections. Nurse Beverley Allitt, dubbed the “angel of death,” was jailed in 1993 for killing four children and attempting to murder others. The case of Lucy Letby echoes the chilling history of medical professionals who have betrayed their duty to protect and care for patients.

SOURCE: Ref Image from FOX 7 Austin

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