Biden vs. Trump: Consequential Rematch in the 2024 Election

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump will most likely be the leading candidates in the 2024 US presidential election. Five out of ten presidential elections have seen Biden as a candidate, and he is presently asking voters to support him until after his 86th birthday. Trump is running for election for the third time in a row and has run in previous election cycles. Both candidates’ favorability ratings hover around 40%, and they generate little public interest. Less than forty percent of registered voters believe that Biden deserves re-election. Some Democrats had hoped for an alternative to Biden, but Trump confronts formidable opposition in the Republican primary.

Why the 2024 elections are vital

Biden presents himself as the champion of democracy in opposition to Trump, who routinely dismisses election outcomes. This is significant because the future of the United States may be at issue in 2024 if Biden and Trump are on the ballot. Biden made this case expressly in his Tuesday announcement video, stating that the United States is still engaged in a “battle for the soul of America.” Both supporters of Donald Trump and those who oppose Joe Biden’s victory fear Trump’s return, and it is essential to recognise that the republic’s future is at stake if the two candidates face off in 2024.

The chronology of the presidential campaigns of Biden and Trump

Joe Biden has been a national candidate in five of the ten most recent presidential elections. His first and second presidential campaigns in Democratic primaries were unsuccessful, but he ran as Barack Obama’s running mate in 2008 and 2012. After missing the 2016 election, Biden returned to unseat Trump in 2020. On the other hand, Donald Trump is already on his third consecutive election campaign. Trump had expressed interest in running for president in 1988 and 2000, and in 2012 he led the charge to query Obama’s citizenship. Candidates who vie for president three or more times typically do not win.

Trump’s GOP dominance

Biden and Trump are currently in a strong position in their respective primaries, but neither candidate generates much public interest. Harry Enten of CNN argues, based on polling data, that this may be the most “boring” presidential primary season ever. Trump has received over sixty endorsements from governors and members of Congress, giving him a strong position in the Republican field. The increasing number of endorsements and national and early primary state polling have strengthened Trump’s position in the GOP field. At this stage in the election cycle, candidates with comparable collections of gubernatorial and congressional endorsements have all won their parties’ nominations.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are anticipated to be the leading candidates in the US presidential election of 2024. Trump enjoys a strong position in the GOP field, having received over 60 endorsements from governors and members of Congress, despite the fact that neither candidate generates much enthusiasm among the general public. Biden and Trump both have popularity ratings around 40%. However, Trump supporters and those who oppose Joe Biden’s election dread Trump’s return. It is essential to recognise that the future of the United States is at stake if Biden and Trump appear on the 2024 ballot.

Source: ©Drew Angerer/Getty Images ; CNN
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