AI Gadgets Unveiled at CES 2024: Revolutionizing Daily Life

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Innovative AI Bin: Hoooly Maximizes Recycling Efficiency

Italian startup Ganiga showcased an AI-powered bin named Hoooly at CES, designed to recognize waste types through a built-in camera, enabling proper disposal. Hoooly goes beyond sorting waste, recording data on waste composition to create personalized waste habit profiles. The smart bin, shaped like a rocket, offers optimized routes for emptying. With indoor and outdoor versions in various sizes, Hoooly currently costs around €4,000, a price the company aims to reduce as it expands.

Revolutionizing Recruitment with Virtual HR Assistant: Obo

French startup Obo-World introduced Obo, a virtual HR assistant designed to streamline candidate screening, saving HR recruiters 80% of their time. Obo scans CVs, creating a scoreboard of candidates meeting job criteria within minutes. The virtual agent communicates with candidates, gathering essential information, and presents the best candidates to recruiters. Obo’s approach aims to be hyper-inclusive, avoiding biases and letting human recruiters take control of the application process.

Smart Pet Health Monitor: Invoxia’s Minitailz

Invoxia’s Minitailz transforms pet collars into smart health monitors for dogs and cats. Weighing just 36 grams, this device attaches to existing collars, tracking pet activities like sleeping, running, walking, eating, drinking, and barking. It measures breath rate and heart rate, providing vital health insights. The data is accessible through an app, offering personalized pet reports and AI-generated responses to questions about the animal’s behavior and health.

Health Measurement Through Selfies: NuraLogix’s Innovative Approach

Canadian company NuraLogix claims to measure health through a 30-second selfie using emotion AI. This technology reads physiological and psychological biomarkers, offering insights into heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and risk assessments for diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and skin age. The innovative approach aims to provide a quick and accessible health check using artificial intelligence.

AI Pillow for Snoring Reduction: Motion Pillow’s Sleep Innovation

Motion Pillow presented an AI-powered pillow designed to reduce snoring. By distinguishing snores from other disturbances, the pillow gently inflates when it detects snoring, encouraging a change in sleeping position to unblock airways. Operated via an app, the pillow allows users to adjust settings, provides snoring data, and even offers playback recordings for insights into sleep disturbances.

Emotion AI in Customer Relations: Ontbo’s Human Connection Focus

Ontbo, a French deep-tech company, incorporates emotion AI using various sensors to understand human emotions. Targeting sectors like banking, retail, sports, and automotive, Ontbo believes that understanding emotions can enhance customer relations. Advertisements, for instance, could be more accurate by considering how a person feels rather than relying solely on verbal expressions. The company assures strict ethical standards, compliance with regulations, and data storage in France, aligning with GDPR guidelines.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Scientifics Direct

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