Paparazzi Chase Ends in Near Catastrophe for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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Prince Harry, 38, and his wife Meghan Markle, 41, along with Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland, were involved in a harrowing car chase with aggressive paparazzi in New York. The incident occurred on Tuesday night following the couple’s attendance at an awards ceremony in the city’s financial district.

Relentless Pursuit and Dangerous Driving

According to a spokesperson for the couple, they experienced a “near catastrophic car chase” orchestrated by a group of highly aggressive paparazzi. Lasting over two hours, the pursuit led to multiple close calls, including near collisions with other drivers, pedestrians, and even two NYPD officers. The spokesperson revealed that half a dozen blacked-out vehicles with unidentified drivers recklessly pursued Meghan and Harry, endangering their convoy and those around them. The source claimed that the chase had the potential to be fatal, as the paparazzi allegedly committed numerous traffic violations, such as driving on sidewalks, running red lights, and reversing down one-way streets.

Prince Harry’s Strained Relationship with the Media

Prince Harry has long been at odds with the media, holding them responsible for the tragic death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997. He attributes her fatal car crash in a Paris tunnel to relentless pursuit by paparazzi. In a recent television interview, Harry emotionally recalled seeing the final photos of his mother and realizing that she passed away while photographers were capturing the scene.

Safety Over Public Interest

Since relocating to the United States in early 2020 to escape intense media scrutiny, Harry and Meghan have taken legal action against several British newspaper publishers. Last week, The Mirror’s publisher issued an apology and expressed willingness to provide appropriate compensation for unlawful information gathering. Harry is pursuing similar claims against The Sun’s publisher and the publisher of the Daily Mail, with decisions expected later this year. The couple’s spokesperson emphasized that while public figures inevitably attract interest, it should never come at the expense of safety. They criticized the dissemination of images obtained through such intrusive practices and emphasized the danger it poses to everyone involved.

SOURCE: Images – getty images

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