Ursula von der Leyen’s Announcement

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Ursula von der Leyen addressed Members of the European Parliament on Tuesday morning, revealing the withdrawal of a controversial law aimed at reducing pesticide use across the European Union. This decision marks the first significant setback for the Green Deal initiative.

Contentious Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR)

The Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR), proposed in June 2022, aimed to halve pesticide usage by 2030 and prohibit their use in sensitive areas. However, it faced strong opposition from the agricultural sector and was ultimately rejected by the European Parliament last year. The law remains stalled in political negotiations among member states, indicating limited support for its implementation.

Von der Leyen’s Announcement

Von der Leyen acknowledged the polarization surrounding the SUR proposal and its rejection by the European Parliament. She announced her intention to withdraw the proposal due to the lack of progress in political discussions. This decision reflects the challenges posed by the growing right-wing backlash against the European Green Deal and protests from farmers.

Acknowledging Farmers’ Concerns

Von der Leyen emphasized the importance of addressing farmers’ concerns and ensuring their livelihoods amid environmental regulations. She highlighted the need for trust and collaboration with farmers to achieve climate and environmental goals while enabling them to sustain their livelihoods.

Future Outlook and Continued Dialogue

Although the withdrawal of the law is pending ratification by the College of Commissioners, von der Leyen assured that pesticide regulation would remain on the agenda. She suggested the possibility of a more mature proposal in the future, acknowledging the need for increased dialogue and a different approach. The development of a new draft will be deferred to the next Commission due to the upcoming European Parliament elections.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Euractive

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