Tragic Death of Belarusian Political Prisoner Raises Alarms

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Vadzim Khrasko, a political prisoner in Belarus, has passed away in a penal colony near Vitebsk, underscoring the dire circumstances within Belarusian prisons. The Viasna human rights center reported on Monday that Khrasko died of pneumonia after authorities neglected to promptly transfer him to a hospital, despite his desperate pleas for assistance.

Negligence in Medical Care: A Grim Reality

Khrasko’s demise on January 9 shed light on the alarming lack of proper medical care within Belarusian prisons. The Viasna human rights center revealed that prison authorities were lethargic in responding to his health crisis, bringing attention to the harsh conditions endured by political prisoners.

A Grim Pattern of Bullying and Abuse

Political activist Leanid Sudalenka, who completed a three-year term at the same penal colony, disclosed the brutal treatment of political prisoners. Sudalenka, who nearly succumbed to COVID-19 in the facility, described the systematic bullying, abuse, and humiliation faced by inmates. Instances of mistreatment ranged from punishment cells to information isolation, refusal of legal meetings, and denial of medical care and medication.

Widespread Crackdown on Dissent

Belarusian authorities, under President Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian rule, have intensified their crackdown on opposition figures following the contested August 2020 election. The election, deemed fraudulent by the opposition and the West, triggered massive protests resulting in over 35,000 arrests, brutal beatings in police custody, and the closure of numerous independent media outlets and NGOs.

Urgent Call for Investigation and Action

The death of Vadzim Khrasko has prompted Belarusian opposition leader-in-exile Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya to call for an immediate investigation. Tsikhanouskaya, who faced persecution after challenging Lukashenko in the 2020 vote, emphasized the need for urgent action to prevent further tragedies and demanded accountability for the inadequate medical care that contributed to Khrasko’s untimely death.

SOURCE: Ref Image from

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