Terrifying Scene Unfolds
Tokyo’s Haneda Airport witnessed a horrific incident as a Japan Airlines plane caught fire on the runway after a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft, resulting in five fatalities. The collision occurred on the ground, and footage captured by local TV displayed an apparent explosion on the Japan Airlines plane as it taxied. The ensuing burst of fire engulfed a section of the aircraft’s wing, creating a chaotic and alarming scene.
Confirmation of Casualties
Japan Airlines confirmed that the fire erupted following the collision with the Coast Guard plane, leading to the tragic deaths of five coast guard personnel. The airline reported that all nearly 400 passengers and crew on board the Japan Airlines flight were successfully evacuated, averting further casualties among the passengers.
Emergency Response and Ongoing Investigation
Subsequent video footage depicted the efforts of fire crews working to extinguish the flames on the Airbus A350. The specific details surrounding the collision and the ensuing fire remained unclear at the time of the report, raising questions about the cause and potential injuries. Authorities initiated an immediate investigation to ascertain the circumstances that led to the collision and subsequent fatalities.
Flight Details and Haneda Airport Status
The Japan Airlines plane involved in the incident was identified as JAL flight 516, which had departed from Shin Chitose airport. Haneda Airport, being one of the busiest in Japan, faced disruptions and emergency response challenges following the collision. The aftermath of the incident prompted heightened security measures and raised concerns about airport safety protocols.
Coordinated Response to Earthquake Disaster
The Japan Coast Guard aircraft involved in the collision was reportedly en route to an earthquake-stricken area on Japan’s west coast, where a seismic event measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale caused significant damage. The disaster claimed the lives of at least 48 individuals, with ongoing rescue efforts to retrieve those trapped under collapsed structures. The collision at Haneda Airport adds a layer of tragedy to the already challenging situation in the aftermath of the earthquake, necessitating coordinated response efforts and thorough investigations into the aviation incident.
SOURCE: Image Ref from Sky News
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