The Security Council of the United Nations has expressed unanimous disapproval towards the Taliban’s efforts to restrict the rights of women.

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The United Nations Security Council has unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Taliban’s ban on Afghan women working for the UN in Afghanistan. The resolution calls on the Taliban to reverse their crackdown on women’s rights and girls’ education, stating that the ban “undermines human rights and humanitarian principles.”

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, is convening a meeting of special envoys on Afghanistan from various countries to discuss a unified approach to dealing with the Taliban.The resolution, drafted by the United Arab Emirates and Japan, was co-sponsored by over 90 countries, and describes the ban as “unprecedented in the history of the United Nations.” UAE UN Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh stated that “the world will not sit by silently as women in Afghanistan are erased from society.”

The Taliban began enforcing the ban on Afghan women working for the UN earlier this month after stopping most women working for humanitarian aid groups in December. The Taliban has also tightened controls on women’s access to public life, including barring women from university and closing girls’ high schools. The Taliban says it respects women’s rights in accordance with its strict interpretation of Islamic law, but the ban has been widely condemned as an attack on women’s rights.

SOURCE: Ref-http://text wires

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