The Man Who Wants to Stay in Power: Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame

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Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame is on track to secure a fourth term in office, having won nearly 99% of the vote in the country’s last election. But what’s behind his remarkable success? And what does the future hold for this authoritarian leader?

A Leader with a Legacy

Kagame’s life has been shaped by the conflict between Rwanda’s Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups. He rose to power after his rebel army ousted the Hutu extremist government, which had orchestrated the 1994 genocide that killed over 800,000 people. Since then, he has worked to rebuild the country and bring stability. Many praise him for his leadership, but critics argue that his rule is authoritarian and lacks democratic checks and balances.

A Critic of Democracy

Kagame has been accused of silencing opposition through imprisonment and intimidation. He has also been linked to cross-border assassinations and abductions. Despite this, he remains popular among many Rwandans, who see him as a strong leader who has brought security and economic growth to the country.

A Potential for Chaos

However, some experts warn that Kagame’s grip on power could lead to chaos when he eventually leaves office. “History shows that in countries where the head of state is stronger than state institutions, change of power can turn violent, leading to chaotic post-regime periods,” says Dr. Joseph Sebarenzi, a former speaker of the Rwandan parliament.

The Man Behind the Myths

Kagame’s rise to power began as a refugee in Uganda, where he trained in military intelligence and later led a rebel army to overthrow the Hutu government. He has a reputation for being shrewd and calculating, often using diplomacy and manipulation to achieve his goals. But behind the scenes, he is also known for his love of football and Arsenal FC.

The Future is Uncertain

Despite Kagame’s popularity, there are concerns about the legitimacy of the upcoming election. Critics argue that it is a farce, with the electoral commission lacking transparency and accountability. As Rwanda looks to the future, it remains unclear whether Kagame will continue to rule with an iron fist or whether democratic reforms will bring about change. One thing is certain, however: Kagame will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Mail And Guardian

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