In an interview, Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, projected the platform’s user base to reach one billion by the end of the year. With its emphasis on privacy, encryption, and features like mass group chats, Telegram currently boasts 900 million monthly users, positioning it among the world’s top apps.
Explosive Expansion and User Engagement
Durov likened Telegram’s expansion to a “forest fire,” attributing its success to user satisfaction and word-of-mouth recommendations. He highlighted the platform’s appeal, citing its speed, security, and comprehensive feature set as key drivers of user retention and growth.
User-Centric Business Model
Durov underscored Telegram’s user-centric approach, emphasizing the platform’s commitment to independence, privacy, and freedom. He noted that once individuals experience Telegram’s benefits, they are inclined to invite others, fostering organic growth and community engagement.
Founding Principles and Platform Features
Created in 2013 by the Durov brothers as a response to government surveillance, Telegram prioritizes end-to-end encryption and user anonymity. These features enable users to share messages, media, and files securely, shielding them from intrusive monitoring.
Promoting Neutrality and Privacy
Despite operating from Dubai, which Durov described as geopolitically neutral, Telegram faces scrutiny and occasional bans in countries like Russia. Its commitment to neutrality allows diverse voices to thrive, making it a valuable tool for activists and journalists. However, this anonymity also poses challenges, as the platform grapples with misinformation and illegal content dissemination.
SOURCE: Ref Image from The Indian Express
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