Telegram Faces Scrutiny but Avoids “Very Large Online Platform” Designation Under EU Rules

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Telegram Dodges VLOP Classification in EU

Telegram continues to evade classification as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), as its user base has not yet surpassed the required threshold of 45 million monthly users in the EU. The Belgian Digital Services Coordinator, responsible for overseeing the platform’s compliance, confirmed that Telegram’s user numbers remain below this limit. Ongoing discussions between Telegram, the European Commission, and Belgian authorities may lead to a designation, but not before the summer.

User Numbers in Question

Telegram reported 41 million monthly active users in February, just shy of the VLOP threshold. The company argues that the number relevant to the DSA could be even lower, as not all of Telegram’s features qualify as “online platforms” under the regulation. Despite this, Telegram’s global user base is rapidly expanding, with founder Pavel Durov predicting the platform will reach one billion users worldwide by the end of 2024.

Legal and Compliance Oversight

In May, Telegram selected Belgium as its legal representative within the EU, placing the Belgian Institute of Post and Telecommunications (BIPT) in charge of monitoring the platform’s adherence to DSA requirements, including transparency and content moderation. The BIPT’s role will become more significant if Telegram is eventually classified as a VLOP, but for now, the platform remains outside this designation.

Concerns Over Drug Trafficking

Telegram has come under fire for being a popular platform for drug trafficking, thanks to its end-to-end encryption, which makes it difficult for law enforcement to monitor illegal activities. Numerous reports from countries like Germany, Lithuania, and the Netherlands highlight Telegram’s role in facilitating the sale of hard drugs, with millions of advertisements for illegal products appearing on the platform. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly setting up specialized units to monitor and curb these activities.

Calls for Greater Moderation

Authorities across the EU are pressuring Telegram to take more responsibility for moderating its platform. The Netherlands’ justice minister emphasized that while self-regulation is common among social media platforms, efforts to engage with Telegram have so far been unsuccessful. The minister expressed frustration over the platform’s lack of cooperation in addressing illegal content, reinforcing the need for stronger measures to ensure compliance with EU regulations. Telegram has yet to comment on these concerns.


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