Spanish Supreme Court Exonerates Ahmed Toummouhi After 15 Years of Wrongful Imprisonment.

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Years of Struggle: Ahmed Toummouhi’s Long-Awaited Innocence Vindicated

Ahmed Toummouhi, wrongly accused of committing multiple rapes in 1991, has finally been exonerated by the Spanish Supreme Court after serving 15 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The court ruling acknowledged that Toummouhi had been waiting years for “the truth” and declared his innocence.

Persistence Pays Off: Toummouhi’s Unwavering Claim of Innocence Validated

Despite years of imprisonment, Toummouhi never wavered in his assertion of innocence. The Spanish justice system eventually vindicated him, revealing crucial new evidence that was not presented during his original trial. Arrested in Catalonia in 1991, Toummouhi was wrongly identified by three victims in a police lineup due to his striking resemblance to the actual rapist, Antonio Carbonell. This mistaken identification, along with the absence of incriminating evidence, led to his wrongful conviction.

Partial Justice: Recognition of Two Wrongful Convictions, One More to Go

While the Spanish Supreme Court has acknowledged Toummouhi’s innocence in two of the rape cases, he still awaits the recognition of his innocence in the third and final case for which he was convicted. The journey for justice has been a long and arduous one for Toummouhi, who persistently sought to reclaim his honor. “I want my honor back. They took it away by the face,” he passionately stated during an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

A Unique Case: Wave of Brutal Rapes and Misidentifications

Toummouhi’s case stands out amidst a wave of brutal rapes that plagued Barcelona and other Catalan cities in the 1990s. Despite the absence of incriminating evidence or any connection between Toummouhi and his co-accused, Abderrazak Mounib, the victims’ identification during the lineup was sufficient for a conviction. Furthermore, the rapist spoke Caló, the language of the gypsy community, which the victims mistook for Arabic due to their unfamiliarity with it.

Surviving Prison: Support, Isolation, and a Quest for Justice

Toummouhi found strength during his years in prison through daily phone calls with his daughter and the unwavering support of his brother, Omar. He also received assistance from a dedicated Guardia Civil officer who shared his pursuit of justice. However, the isolation and harsh reality of prison life took a toll on Toummouhi’s well-being. He resorted to disconnecting from the outside world to cope with the challenges and adapt to his new circumstances.

Seeking a Brighter Future: The Road Ahead

Since his release from prison, Toummouhi has chosen not to return to his native Morocco. Having endured years of wrongful imprisonment, he does not wish to return in a worse state than when he left. Instead, he hopes to build a better future, reflecting his original aspirations when he left his home country. With his newfound freedom, Toummouhi continues to seek justice and closure while advocating for systemic reforms to prevent such grave miscarriages of justice from happening to others.

SOURCE: Ref Image from euronews

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