Russian School Children to Be Taught Combat Drones and Assault Rifles.

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Be Part of “Basics of Life Safety” Syllabus

Starting in September, Russian school children will receive training on operating combat drones as part of their “Basics of Life Safety” syllabus, announced Senator Artem Sheikin. The lessons will also include training on operating assault rifles and hand grenades for Year 10 and 11 students. The programme has been approved by Russia’s defense ministry and is set to be implemented from September 1, according to the RIA News Agency. Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov stated that the curriculum will cover basic operating information and methods to counter enemy weapons, including UAVs.

Drones’ Role in the Ukraine War

Unmanned aerial vehicles have played a crucial, albeit devastating, role in the ongoing Ukraine war. Both Russian and Ukrainian forces have utilized drones to identify and attack enemy positions. The conflict has seen air strikes on military and civilian targets, with Russia employing drones to target residential areas. The arsenal of drones being used in the battle includes various models, such as the Turkish Bayraktar TB2, the American Switchblade 300 and 600, and the Iranian Shahed 136.

Controversial “Militarized Patriotism” Approach

The UK’s Ministry of Defense has raised concerns about the program, calling it an attempt to impose “militarized patriotism.” The emphasis on military induction for children is seen as a move to cultivate a culture of militarized patriotism rather than genuinely fostering practical capabilities, as stated in the ministry’s statement. While the program aims to educate students about life safety and equip them with knowledge about UAVs and enemy weapon countermeasures, critics argue that such training may promote aggressive nationalism.

Debate Over Militarization in Education

The decision to include combat drone operation and weapon training in the school curriculum has sparked a debate about the militarization of education in Russia. Some proponents argue that it is essential to prepare students for potential national security threats and instill a sense of patriotism and defense readiness. However, opponents worry that such militarized teachings may normalize violence and influence young minds towards aggressive behavior. The move by Russia’s defense ministry has drawn attention from international observers and raised questions about the country’s approach to educating its youth.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Jerusalem Post

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