Rising Far-Right Phenomenon in Europe: Causes and Implications.

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Unrest in France: A Nation on Edge

France finds itself on the brink of turmoil as unrest spreads throughout the country. The recent fatal shooting of a 17-year-old from a French-Algerian family by the police near Paris has ignited intense emotions across the nation, particularly in the socially-neglected suburbs known as banlieues. The current level of anger and division hasn’t been witnessed since the summer of 2005, posing significant challenges for President Macron as he grapples to regain control. However, this political instability may inadvertently benefit Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader, who advocates for tough security measures and stricter immigration policies.

Resurgence of Far-Right Parties Across Europe

A concerning trend is emerging across Europe, with far-right parties experiencing a notable resurgence in various countries. Nostalgic nationalists, populist nationalists, and ultra-conservative groups with neo-fascist origins are gaining support, eroding long-standing taboos that prevented collaboration with extreme right-wing factions. Even countries like Germany, cautious due to their fascist past, are witnessing the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which now competes neck and neck with Chancellor Scholz’s Social Democrats in the polls.

The Paradox of Mainstream Parties and the Far Right

The rise of far-right parties is partly fueled by mainstream politicians adopting similar rhetoric and stances in an attempt to appeal to far-right voters. However, this strategy inadvertently legitimizes and normalizes extremist positions. Conversely, some far-right parties have intentionally moved closer to the political center, attempting to attract centrist voters. For instance, their stance on Russia shifted after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, prompting adjustments to their rhetoric. Similarly, far-right parties that were once deeply Eurosceptic have refrained from advocating for leaving the European Union, recognizing that such a move could lead to further instability.

Dissatisfaction with the Political Mainstream

A key driver of the far-right renaissance in Europe is widespread dissatisfaction with the political mainstream. Many voters feel disillusioned by traditional politicians who fail to provide clear answers to pressing issues. These issues include concerns about identity, such as fear of open borders and erosion of national values, as well as economic grievances, including opposition to globalization and resentment over a perceived lack of opportunities for future generations. Additionally, there is a sense that national governments lack control over the rules that govern citizens’ lives, contributing to frustration and a desire for change.

Implications and the Green Energy Debate

The rise of far-right sentiment has implications for various policy areas, including the debate on green energy. In the Netherlands, the right-wing populist Farmer-Citizen Movement gained significant traction, securing the largest number of seats in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections. In France, Emmanuel Macron faced protests from the “yellow vest” movement, which included far-right elements, when attempting to raise petrol prices as an environmental measure. Germany’s Green Party, currently in government, faces resistance in implementing promised environmental reforms due to public concerns and anger about financial implications.

Overall, the far-right resurgence in Europe is fueled by dissatisfaction with mainstream politics and appeals to voters through outspokenness on issues related to identity, economics, and social justice. While mainstream parties adopt some far-right rhetoric, this paradoxically normalizes extreme positions. As Europe heads towards elections for the European Parliament, far-right parties are expected to perform strongly, advocating for reform within the EU rather than outright exit.

SOURCE: Ref Image from the Gaurdian

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