Misleading Green Investments: Funding Fossil Fuel Giants

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Recent investigations expose how supposedly ‘green’ investments are funneling millions of euros into major carbon-emitting companies, casting doubt on the sustainability of these financial products.

Fossil Fuel Companies Benefit from Green Funds

Leading fossil fuel corporations, including BP, Chevron, Eni, Exxon, Repsol, Shell, and Total Energies, have received substantial investments from ‘climate-friendly’ funds, as revealed by an in-depth inquiry.

Deceptive Practices in Sustainable Finance

Financial institutions like Eurizon Capital SGR, operating under ambiguous regulations, market investment products as environmentally responsible while directing funds toward polluting industries.

Exploiting Regulatory Ambiguities

By leveraging regulatory loopholes and vague terminology, certain investment firms, including Eurizon, have successfully positioned their funds as ‘sustainable’ despite their substantial investments in fossil fuel giants.

Regulatory Oversight and Enforcement

While EU regulations aim to promote transparency and accountability in sustainable finance, enforcement mechanisms appear inadequate. Financial institutions like Eurizon have faced criticism for misrepresenting the sustainability of their investment products.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Inside Climate News

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