Mariupol: A City Transformed by Russian Forces

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One year has passed since the Ukrainian city of Mariupol suffered devastation and was captured by Russian forces. Today, it is being presented as a showcase for Moscow’s rule, with some Russians even considering buying homes there. After the annexation, around 90% of the city’s buildings were damaged or destroyed due to Russian shelling during a two-month siege. Thousands of civilians lost their lives, and approximately 350,000 people fled the city, reducing the pre-war population of 430,000 to 80,000.

Russia is determined to “Russify” the city, changing Ukrainian-language road signs to Russian ones, implementing the Russian curriculum in schools, and encouraging residents to acquire Russian passports. Satellite footage shows the transformation of the city, with new high-rise estates emerging while extensive destruction still remains, particularly in the city center. The Russian-controlled media presents a positive narrative of reconstruction and normalcy, but many of the residents report an uncertain and slow process for acquiring new homes.

Despite the city’s massive destruction, some Russians are eager to invest in Mariupol, viewing it as an opportunity for growth. However, the process of getting new homes is complicated and restricted, leading to many of the new buildings standing half-empty. Additionally, those with pro-Russian views seem to have better access to new flats. Furthermore, many locals are hesitant about returning to Mariupol due to the ongoing conflict, and Ukrainians’ return could potentially invalidate property rights given during the occupation.

Despite the challenges and destruction, some remain optimistic, like Oxana from Tatarstan, who dreams of living by the sea and owning a large house in the city. Mariupol remains a symbol of resilience and hope amid the turmoil caused by the Russian invasion.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Worldcrunch

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