Lawsuit Filed Against Pop Star Lizzo by Former Dancers Over Allegations of Harassment.

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Pop sensation Lizzo is facing legal action as three of her former dancers filed a lawsuit against her, her dance captain, and her production company, Big Grrrl Big Touring (BGBT). The dancers, Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez, have leveled various accusations, including sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment, discrimination, assault, and false imprisonment.

The Allegations Against Lizzo and Others

According to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, the dancers claim that they were subjected to sexual, religious, and racial harassment, as well as discrimination and false imprisonment while working with Lizzo and her team between 2021 and 2023. The legal action includes allegations that they were pressured to attend sex shows and interact with other dancers against their will.

Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that Lizzo pressured Arianna Davis to touch another performer’s breasts at a nightclub in Amsterdam, with Davis eventually giving in due to fears about her position on the team. Additionally, Lizzo and dance choreographer Tanisha Scott are accused of fat-shaming Davis during the tour, questioning her commitment based on her weight gain.

The lawsuit also claims that the dance cast, comprised of full-figured women of color, was subjected to racial and fat-phobic animus by BGBT staff, who allegedly scolded them for unacceptable behavior. The case further accuses Shirlene Quigley, the dance team’s captain, of imposing her Christian beliefs on performers and making inappropriate public comments about one of the former dancers’ virginity.

Unfair Payment and Treatment

The plaintiffs allege that they were not paid fairly during parts of Lizzo’s European tour, receiving only 25% of their weekly compensatory pay while not performing, while others received 50%. They also claim they were prohibited from working on other projects while on tour.

The Background of the Case

The legal action states that two of the dancers, Davis and Williams, met Lizzo in March 2021 while preparing for the reality TV show “Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls.” The third dancer, Rodriguez, was hired later in May 2021 to perform in Lizzo’s “Rumours” music video. However, Davis and Williams were fired, and Rodriguez later resigned due to the alleged mistreatment of her colleagues.

Awaiting Response

As of now, Lizzo and the others accused in the lawsuit have not publicly responded to the allegations. The case remains to be tested in court, and the legal action brings attention to serious issues within the entertainment industry.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Vulture

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