Kevin Spacey Found Not Guilty of Alleged Sex Offences in the UK.

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Acquittal in London Trial

Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey, known for his roles in “American Beauty” and “House of Cards,” was found not guilty of nine alleged sex offences against men in a London trial. The trial, which lasted several weeks, resulted in acquittal by majority verdicts.

Grateful for the Verdict

Following the verdict, Kevin Spacey expressed his gratitude to the jury for carefully examining all the evidence before reaching their decision. He stated that he was humbled by the outcome and has consistently denied the allegations of sexual offences brought against him.

Previous Legal Battles

This verdict comes after Spacey was cleared in a US case and a $40 million sexual misconduct lawsuit against him was dismissed by a New York court. In 2019, charges of indecent and sexual assault were also dropped in Massachusetts.

The Allegations and the Verdict

The allegations against Spacey included seven counts of sexual assault, one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent, and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent. The alleged offences were said to have taken place in London in 2005 and 2008, and in Gloucestershire, western England, in 2013. The jury deliberated for over 12 hours before clearing Spacey of all charges.

Witness Testimonies

During the trial, four alleged victims, who were unable to be named for legal reasons, provided evidence. British rock star Elton John was among the witnesses testifying in support of Spacey. The prosecution portrayed Spacey as a “sexual bully” who made others uncomfortable, including aggressively grabbing men’s crotches.

Spacey’s Career and #MeToo Movement

The actor’s once-stellar career suffered a setback due to these allegations, and he was dropped from the final season of “House of Cards” and other projects. In 2017, Spacey became one of the first stars involved in the #MeToo movement, facing sexual assault accusations from multiple young men. Despite the legal battles, he continues to deny the allegations and hopes to move forward after the latest acquittal.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Variety

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