Hollywood’s Glass Ceiling: Women Still Underrepresented on Screen

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The Numbers Don’t Lie

Despite the success of films like Barbie, women still make up only 32% of speaking characters in the top 100 movies at the box office in 2023. This statistic remains stagnant, with little progress made since 2007 when the same study was first conducted.

The Year of the Woman? Not So Much

The report’s findings suggest that 2023 was not the “Year of the Woman” as previously thought. In fact, the number of leading roles played by women or girls has decreased by 14% from 2022. The study also highlights that only 11% of films were gender-balanced, with women or girls making up 45-54.9% of speaking roles.

Behind the Camera

The report’s findings are not limited to on-screen representation. The study also examines the lack of female representation behind the camera. In 2023, only 12% of directors were women, a marginal increase from 2022. The report also highlights that between 2007 and 2023, a total of 98 women have helmed films, compared to 878 men.

Racial Inclusion

While there has been progress in terms of racial inclusion, with 21.6% of directors from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, there is still much work to be done. The report also highlights that 78.4% of directors were white, and that only 15.2% of screenwriters were women.

Hollywood’s Lack of Progress

The report concludes that “progressive Hollywood” is actually “not progressive at all.” The study’s findings suggest that despite vows of inclusivity, the industry has made little progress in terms of representing women and underrepresented racial and ethnic groups on screen. The report highlights that Hollywood must examine its failure to employ half the population on screen and take concrete steps to address these issues.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Actual News Magazine

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