Gaza marks the Egyptian-mediated truce between Israel and Palestine with jubilation.

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A five-day intense fighting between Israel and Islamic Jihad militant group in the Gaza Strip led to the death of 33 Palestinians and two Israelis. However, on May 8, celebrations erupted on the streets of Gaza after a cease-fire was brokered by Egypt. The cease-fire began just after 10 pm, but there was a last-minute burst of rocket fire and Israeli airstrikes several minutes past the deadline announced by Egypt.

Israel later reported additional incoming fire and said it was again striking in Gaza, but calm was quickly restored. The agreement did nothing to address the underlying issues that have fueled numerous rounds of fighting between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip over the years.

Details of the Ceasefire

Israel and the Islamic Jihad militant group agreed to an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire late Saturday in an effort to halt five days of intense fighting. The agreement did not address many of the causes of the repeated fighting, including Israel’s ongoing blockade of Gaza, the large arsenals of weapons possessed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and Israeli policies in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Israel reported over 1,200 launches throughout the fighting, with some rockets reaching as far as the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas. Israel said about a quarter of the rockets were misfired and landed in Gaza, while most of the rest were either intercepted or landed in open areas.

Reactions to the Ceasefire

In Gaza, Islamic Jihad spokesman Tareq Selmi said Israel had agreed to halt its policy of targeted strikes on the group’s leaders. However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser, Tzachi Nanegbi, said that “quiet would be answered with quiet” and Israel would do “everything that it needs to in order to defend itself.” Tensions could quickly resume next week when Israel holds a contentious march through a main Palestinian thoroughfare in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Renewal of Violence

The latest violence erupted on Tuesday when Israeli airstrikes killed three senior Islamic Jihad commanders. Israel said the airstrikes were in response to a burst of rocket fire the previous week and that its attacks have been focused on Islamic Jihad targets.

But residents in Gaza said the homes of people uninvolved in fighting also had been struck. Over the past few days, Israel has conducted more airstrikes, killing other senior Islamic Jihad commanders and destroying their command centers and rocket-launching sites. The airstrikes showed no signs of stopping the rocket fire, prompting Islamic Jihad to declare victory.

Situation in the West Bank

In the occupied West Bank, Israeli-Palestinian fighting has surged under Israel’s most right-wing government in history. Since the start of the year, 111 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, at least half of them affiliated with militant groups.

On May 8, the Israeli military raided the Balata refugee camp near the northern city of Nablus, sparking a firefight that killed two Palestinians. In a separate incident near the northern city of Jenin, Israeli police said they shot and killed a suspected Palestinian assailant who ran toward soldiers wielding a knife.

The truce could be further tested on Thursday when Israeli nationalists plan their annual “Jerusalem Day” march through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City. The march is a frequent source of friction and helped spark an 11-day war with Hamas.


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