Following an Israeli airstrike on Gaza, Palestinian militants have launched rockets.

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Palestinian Retaliatory Rocket Attacks Against Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza

Palestinian militants responded to Israeli airstrikes on Gaza by launching dozens of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel on Wednesday. Israeli airstrikes have killed 19 Palestinians, including three senior militants and at least ten civilians in recent days.

The rocket attacks set off air-raid sirens throughout southern Israel and as far away as the Tel Aviv area, on the Mediterranean Sea, 80 kilometers away. Israeli TV stations showed air defence systems intercepting rockets above the skies of Tel Aviv. In the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan, people took cover on the ground as they heard the explosions.

Israeli police allowed a Jewish ultranationalist parade to take place next week. The parade, which passes through the heart of the Old City’s Muslim Quarter, often leads to friction with local Palestinian residents.

Israel and Gaza on the Brink of War

Throughout the day, Israeli aircraft hit targets in Gaza for the second straight day, killing at least three Palestinians. Palestinian militants have pledged to retaliate while Israel says it is prepared for a further escalation of hostilities. If the violence continues, the risk of a full-blown war could increase. Israel and Hamas have fought four wars since the Islamic group took control of Gaza in 2007.

Israel has been conducting near-daily military raids in the occupied West Bank for over a year to detain suspected Palestinian militants. At least 107 Palestinians, around half of them militants, have been killed by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank since the start of 2023, according to an Associated Press tally. At least 20 people have been killed in Palestinian attacks targeting Israelis.

Israel and Hamas have expressed solidarity with their counterparts in Gaza. The two groups often coordinate with one another. Israel says its attacks are a response to a barrage of rocket fire launched last week by Islamic Jihad in response to the death of one of its members from a hunger strike while in Israeli custody.

Israel says it is trying to avoid conflict with Hamas, the more powerful militant group that rules Gaza, and confine the fighting to Islamic Jihad. The Israeli military said its attacks were focused on Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant infrastructure in the coastal enclave.

SOURCE: Ref – euronews & AP

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