Far-Right Politician Surprises in Argentina’s Primary Election.

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Javier Milei, a far-right politician known for his admiration of former US president Donald Trump, has emerged as a significant contender in Argentina’s primary election. The primary, where all presidential candidates participate, is a crucial gauge for the upcoming presidential election on October 22.

Unexpected Victory Shakes Political Landscape

Javier Milei defied expectations by securing 30% of the votes, surpassing more established politicians. The outcome has been labeled a “political earthquake” by Argentine media, as his victory underscores the shifting dynamics in the country’s political landscape.

Unique Primary Process

Unlike primaries in other nations, Argentina’s primary allows all eligible voters to participate, irrespective of party affiliation. The candidate garnering the highest number of votes becomes a strong contender for the presidency. The election is also mandatory, adding to its significance.

Milei’s Rise and Positions

Despite previously being a TV personality, Javier Milei positions himself as a political outsider. His anti-establishment stance resonates with Argentinians frustrated with successive governments’ failure to address the country’s economic woes. With a staggering year-on-year inflation rate exceeding 115%, widespread poverty, and a sharply depreciating currency, Milei’s promises of drastic reforms have gained traction.

Proposed Policies

If elected, Milei plans to abolish Argentina’s central bank, adopt the US dollar as the national currency, and privatize unprofitable state-owned companies. He echoes some of the policies associated with Brazil’s former leader Jair Bolsonaro, advocating for relaxed gun controls.

Social and Cultural Positions

Milei also adopts controversial positions on social and cultural matters. He opposes abortion except when the mother’s life is at risk and vows to protect children’s lives from conception. Denying climate change, he criticizes sex education in schools and takes a conservative stance on traditional family values.

Implications for the Election

Milei’s unexpectedly strong performance in the primary, exceeding predictions by 10 percentage points, has caused the peso to further depreciate. This outcome has been met with enthusiastic celebration from his supporters. Milei’s surge has intensified the political climate, and the candidates who secured second and third positions will strive to gain ground before the presidential election’s first round.

Potential for a Runoff Election

With the top three candidates in the primaries closely matched, a runoff election appears highly probable. If no candidate secures 45% of the votes or 40% with a 10-percentage-point lead, a runoff between the top two contenders will occur on November 19.

Regional Trends

Argentina follows a growing trend in the region where anti-establishment candidates have disrupted political norms. Similar upsets have been witnessed in Colombia and Chile. Argentina’s political landscape is shifting, and Milei’s surge is a clear reflection of this transformation.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Print

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