European EV Industry Challenges and Roadmap

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ACEA’s Mobility Revolution Manifesto

The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) presented its manifesto, titled “A competitive European auto industry driving the mobility revolution,” emphasizing a commitment to the green transition and a future-ready mobility ecosystem. The roadmap spans the EU’s next five-year mandate.

Concrete Action Plans Amid Challenges

ACEA President, Luca de Meo, stressed the need for the automotive industry to be part of the solution. Challenges include upcoming policies and regulations with deadlines, such as the Net Zero Industry Act and CO2 reduction targets for light vehicles by 2030. The manifesto focuses on demand, supply, and production actions.

Holistic Approach and Regulatory Streamlining

ACEA recommends a holistic approach to resolve conflicting regulations and proposes a cohesive industry policy in the EU. Streamlining regulations is crucial, with an average of eight new regulations annually until 2030. Tariffs between the UK and EU, post-Brexit, pose additional challenges.

Affordable EVs and Strengthening Supply Chains

Luca de Meo aims for more affordable EVs with smaller batteries suited to urban needs. The key is strengthening the European EV supply chain. The postponement of EU-UK EV tariffs until 2026 aims to address supply chain challenges. However, potential backlash could impact the Brexit deal.

Challenges to Catching Up Globally

Europe faces challenges in catching up with global EV competitors like the US and China. Streamlining regulations, improving charging infrastructure, and strengthening the supply chain are crucial. China’s holistic EV value chain and advanced charging infrastructure provide lessons for Europe, which aims to reach global competitiveness by the end of the decade.

SOURCE: Ref Image from World Today’s News

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