Electric Vehicle Glut at Belgian Port as Demand Slows

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Overflow of EVs at Zeebrugge Port

At the bustling Belgian port of Zeebrugge, hundreds of electric vehicles (EVs) now sit idle due to a drop in demand. Each year, up to three million EVs are unloaded from cargo ships and transported by truck, but many remain unsold, awaiting buyers. This oversupply has led to parking lots filled with unused vehicles, highlighting a slowdown in the EV market.

Adapting to the Electric Shift

Zeebrugge has undergone major changes to accommodate the growing number of electric cars. The port installed wind turbines and set up battery recharging facilities to ensure vehicles are ready for customers. Anne Degrauw, manager at ICO Terminals SA, notes that these developments represent the future of the automotive industry, with strict quality control measures in place to meet customer expectations.

A Surplus of EVs from China

Despite the port’s transformation, EV sales have not kept pace. The influx of EVs, particularly from China, has resulted in an oversupply, with vehicles gathering dust in the parking areas. ICO Terminals SA’s sales manager, François Simonart, points out that after the pandemic, Chinese manufacturers surged ahead in EV production, thanks to their access to advanced technology and raw materials.

Falling EV Registrations

The issue is exacerbated by a significant drop in electric vehicle registrations. In July 2024, EVs accounted for only 13.5% of new car registrations, far behind traditional gas-powered vehicles. This dip in consumer interest, despite the push for greener transportation, contributes to the growing backlog of unsold electric cars at the port.

Port Transformation Meets Market Reality

Zeebrugge, one of Europe’s largest ports, continues to evolve to support the green transition, but the current imbalance between supply and demand for electric vehicles poses challenges. As the EV market faces fluctuating interest, the port’s advancements may eventually pay off, but for now, the excess inventory signals a need for stronger demand to catch up with the supply of these environmentally friendly vehicles.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Brussels Times

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