Calm Returns to France Following Riots Triggered by Police Shooting.

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Decreased Arrests and Calls for Peace Signal Subsiding Riots

After five days of violent protests in response to the police shooting of teenager Nahel M during a traffic stop, the riots in France are showing signs of calming. On Sunday night, the number of arrests dropped to over 150, a significant decrease compared to the previous night’s count of more than 700.

Mayors Rally Citizens to Protest Violence and Looting

Mayors throughout the country have called on citizens to gather outside town halls on Monday to express their discontent with the ongoing violence and looting. In Nahel’s hometown of Nanterre, Mayor Patrick Jarry expressed relief at the subsiding violence but emphasized the importance of not losing sight of the incident that sparked the unrest and the continued need for justice. The mayor of Reims addressed a crowd of several hundred people, condemning the looting of local businesses and urging the state to take firm action in order to preserve the integrity of the Republic.

Mayors’ Association Denounces Violent Unrest and Societal Degradation

In a press release issued on Sunday, an association representing the mayors of the country highlighted the serious unrest taking place in communes across France, characterized by extreme violence targeting symbols of the Republic. The press release emphasized the refusal to let the country succumb to chaos, noting that this situation, unfortunately, did not come as a surprise, as mayors have been sounding the alarm for years regarding societal degradation.

Attacks on Public Buildings and Decrease in Incidents

During the unrest, rioters have caused damage and attempted to set fire to several town halls across France. However, Sunday night witnessed a significant decrease in the number of recorded incidents compared to the previous week. Only 297 cars were set on fire, a decrease from Thursday’s count of 1,900, while 34 buildings were damaged or set ablaze, a significant reduction from Thursday’s count of over 500.

President Macron to Meet Affected Mayors

French President Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to meet with mayors from 220 municipal areas affected by the violence on Tuesday. This meeting aims to address the concerns and grievances of the impacted communities and explore potential solutions to restore peace and stability.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Cnn

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