Belgium Prepares for Dual Climate Threats: Floods and Droughts

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Belgium Faces Increasing Climate Risks

As Belgium braces for the upcoming impacts of climate change, the nation is addressing two critical threats: flooding and drought. Recent climate projections reveal a future of rising temperatures and extreme weather events. In response, Belgium is implementing adaptation strategies to manage these risks and mitigate their effects.

Devastation from Floods

In July 2021, Belgium experienced devastating floods, particularly in Pepinster, a village where the Vesdre River overflowed, causing severe damage. Residents like Paul Brasseur were forced to seek refuge on rooftops amid rising waters. The catastrophic event left lasting scars on the landscape and highlighted the urgent need for effective climate adaptation.

Adaptation Strategies for Vesdre Valley

To address future flooding risks, Belgium has developed a comprehensive adaptation plan for the Vesdre Valley. This plan includes reducing construction near riverbanks, replacing pines with water-absorbing deciduous trees, and creating green buffers around agricultural lands. These measures aim to enhance water retention and reduce flood damage while also addressing drought conditions.

Nature-Based Solutions in Eupen

In Eupen, another area affected by the 2021 floods, officials are turning to nature-based solutions to combat both flooding and heat. Projects include transforming former riverbanks into parks with trees and meadows. These green spaces help manage rainwater runoff, lower urban temperatures, and improve overall resilience against climate extremes.

Preparing for Future Climate Challenges

The Center for Risk Assessment of Climate Change (CERAC) in Brussels emphasizes the need for ongoing adaptation. CERAC provides independent assessments to help policymakers understand and prepare for future climate risks. Director Luc Bas underscores the importance of preparing for climate impacts, even under the most optimistic scenarios, to safeguard Belgium’s future against the evolving threats of flooding and drought.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Sky News

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