Gotthard Rail Tunnel Reopens After Year-Long Closure

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Reopening of a Vital Connection

The Gotthard Base Tunnel, a crucial rail link between Switzerland and Italy, is set to reopen on Monday after a year-long closure caused by a significant accident. The tunnel, essential for both passenger and freight transport, was shut down in August 2023 following a derailment that caused extensive damage.

Details of the Accident

On August 10, 2023, a Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) freight train derailed due to a broken wheel. The derailment caused the train to crash into the gate dividing the tunnel’s western and eastern sections. An investigation revealed that hairline fractures in the wagon wheel led to the derailment when fragments dislodged and caused the train to jump the tracks.

Extensive Repair Efforts

The repair operation was complex and time-consuming. Removing the derailed train and clearing the accident site took several weeks, compounded by the extreme temperatures within the tunnel, which reached nearly 40°C. The final repair costs exceeded initial estimates, totaling €159 million, compared to the projected €135 million.

Impact on Rail Freight

The tunnel’s closure disrupted the rail freight sector significantly. While SBB reopened the undamaged eastern tunnel for freight trains shortly after the accident, rerouting these trains posed logistical and financial challenges, especially for Italian operators. The situation was further exacerbated by the closure of the Frejus Railway, another key route between Italy and France, which won’t reopen until 2025.

Ongoing Improvements and Significance

In response to the incident, SBB has implemented measures to improve infrastructure safety and prevent future derailments. The Gotthard Base Tunnel, the world’s longest railway tunnel at 57 kilometers, is a vital link between Switzerland’s German and Italian-speaking regions. Its construction, which cost 9.7 billion Swiss francs (€10.3 billion) and took almost 17 years, highlights its importance to European rail transport.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Tunnel

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