AI Tools Like ChatGPT: A Double-Edged Sword for Students Struggling with Focus

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AI as a Learning Aid for Struggling Students

A new study reveals that AI tools like ChatGPT are particularly popular among students who face challenges with concentration, planning, and attention. Researchers from Lund University found that these students often use AI tools to help complete assignments and manage their academic workload more effectively, suggesting that AI can be a valuable support for those with difficulties in executive functions (EF).

Generative AI Helps Bridge Performance Gaps

The study highlights that generative AI could potentially bridge performance gaps for students struggling with executive functions. According to lead researcher Johan Klarin, students with planning, emotional regulation, and task completion difficulties find AI tools especially beneficial. The research shows that a significant number of students—particularly older adolescents—are using AI to support their learning, with ChatGPT emerging as the most commonly used tool.

Risks of Over-Reliance on AI Tools

Despite the benefits, the study warns that over-reliance on AI tools may hinder cognitive growth. Constant use of AI for schoolwork might reduce the development of essential cognitive skills, especially during adolescence, a critical period for EF development. Researchers caution that turning to AI as a quick fix could make it harder for students to manage complex tasks independently in the future.

Striking a Balance: Supporting Growth Without Stunting It

Researchers emphasize the need for a balanced approach to AI use in education. While AI tools can help students with cognitive challenges, they should not replace the need to build essential skills. Klarin suggests that educators focus on using AI as a supplementary aid rather than a replacement, ensuring that its use enhances, rather than hinders, the development of critical cognitive abilities.

Educators’ Role in Moderating AI Use

As AI becomes more integrated into education, it is crucial to establish clear guidelines for its use. Klarin calls for educators and the research community to proactively develop standards to ensure AI tools enhance the learning environment. The goal is to leverage AI’s benefits without compromising students’ cognitive development or long-term success.

SOURCE: Ref Image from

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