How a Trump Win Could Impact EU Big Tech Enforcement

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Trump’s Potential Impact on EU-US Tech Policies

With polls predicting a 71% chance of victory for Donald Trump in the upcoming US election, there are growing concerns about how a Republican win could affect the alignment of EU and US policies, especially regarding Big Tech regulation. Trump’s return could disrupt the current cooperative efforts initiated under President Joe Biden.

Strengthening EU-California Ties

The EU has strategically positioned its tech envoy, Gerard de Graaf, in Silicon Valley to ensure a strong presence in the global tech hub. This move has facilitated direct interactions between EU regulators and top executives of major tech firms, fostering better compliance with European regulations. Unlike the surprise many US companies faced with the GDPR in 2018, these preparations have been more proactive and collaborative.

Biden’s Collaborative Approach

President Biden’s administration has promoted Big Tech enforcement aligned with EU principles, particularly through the Trade and Technology Council (TTC). This forum has enabled constructive dialogues on AI and digital services regulation, easing trade tensions and rekindling EU-US relations strained during Trump’s first term. However, a Trump victory could jeopardize the future of such collaborative initiatives.

Potential Conflicts with Tech Giants

Elon Musk’s recent clash with the EU Commission over the Digital Services Act highlights potential conflicts that could intensify under a Trump administration. Musk, a Trump supporter, accused the EU of offering an illegal deal to avoid fines, leading to threats of legal action. This incident underscores the challenges the EU might face in enforcing its regulations on US tech firms if Trump retakes the White House.

Divergent Approaches to Content Moderation

Content moderation remains a contentious issue between Democrats and Republicans. While Democrats advocate for increased moderation to curb misinformation, Republicans, including Trump, often oppose it, arguing it hampers free speech. A Trump administration could stall efforts to harmonize EU-US policies, leading to heightened trade tensions and regulatory conflicts.

Overall, a Trump victory could significantly alter the trajectory of EU-US tech policy alignment, with implications for trade, regulation, and international cooperation.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Euronews

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