Trams to the Rescue: Switzerland and Germany Lend a Helping Hand to Ukraine’s Public Transport

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A Sustainable Solution

Switzerland and Germany are sending over 100 used trams to Ukraine to help improve the country’s public transportation system. The move is part of a broader effort to phase out energy-intensive Communist-era vehicles and reduce carbon emissions.

Meeting the Needs of a Growing City

Lviv, a city in western Ukraine, has seen a significant influx of new residents since the Russian invasion in 2022. The city’s transportation network is under strain, with many of the new arrivals having additional needs due to disabilities. The Swiss trams will provide accessible low-floor transportation options, making it easier for people with disabilities to navigate the city.

A Climate-Friendly Boost

The donated trams are not only providing a much-needed boost to mobility but also have a positive climate impact. They are less energy-intensive than Lviv’s current fleet, which will help reduce energy consumption and lower electricity bills. The city has also received a loan from the European Investment Bank to purchase new trams, further reducing its carbon footprint.

A Broader Effort

Switzerland has a long history of donating trams to other Eastern European countries, including Romania and Serbia. This is the first wartime donation from Switzerland, and it’s part of a broader foreign aid package aimed at supporting sustainable urban development in Ukraine.

A New Era for Lviv’s Transport

The arrival of the Swiss trams marks a new era for Lviv’s transport system. The city is also planning to extend its tram lines to serve new areas, including a rehabilitation center and a cemetery. With its new tram fleet, Lviv is well on its way to becoming a more accessible and sustainable city.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Euronews

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